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Our Black Belts

We have been very lucky in Dento Ryu to have gained some amazing students. All our students have the potential to gain their black belt and they all understand that their black belt grading starts when they first walk in the door to commence their training. Over all its a minium four year journey to reach the rank of Shodan Ho. In that time students learn the teachiques that help them in life and in the martial arts. The tennents of Dento Ryu are:

  • Respect

  • Humility

  • Honesty

  • Courtesy

  • Integrity

  • discipline

  • Self Control

  • Concentration

Demonstrating these tennets and the suitable technique for their rank, students progress through their belts to black and higher. Remembering that black represents the true behining of the journey. Since commencing the Dento Tyu School sensei Harvey has taken seven people through the journey to black and higher. 

Our first Black Belts

in 2015 Sensei harvey Progressed to Sandan and Sensei Vaughn obtained his Nidan

Also in the picture is sensei Tarnie who gained her Shodan in 2014

These three were the first to obtain their black or higher grading through Dento Ryu. with Sensei Tarnie still being the youngest Student to gain that grade.

Sensei Elisha

Sensei Elisha was our first Gulgong student to be promoted to Black Belt in september 2015. Over her time with Dento Ryu she has worked hard both training and teaching. She continues to train and enjoys teaching the students in our wednesday night first class. 

December 2015

At our Black Belt grading in December 2015 we were happy to promote three of our hard working students to the rank of Shodan Ho. Bryant, Sempi Nathaniel and Sensei Tayla. All have worked hard over the years and have shown dedication and commitment to their own personal journey.

March 2016

In March 2016 Jonathan participated in our Black Belt grading day and joined his twin brother and older sister in becoming a Shodan Ho with our Dojo. Considering he took a couple of months off early in his career his comeback was all about dedication and he passed with flying colours. Congrats Jonathan

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